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A 101 Guide to Display Advertising
Not much has changed ever since the first banner ad hit the web in 1994 in terms of the fundamentals of display advertising. Today, display ads are an indispensable part of every five-star marketing strategy apart from organic efforts. Bringing the two together helps to maximize your brand reach, and bring in increased qualifying leads...
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Essential YouTube Marketing Tactics that Always Work
YouTube, dubbed as the second largest search engine after Google, is the world’s largest video sharing platform that is being used in almost every country. With over 2.3 billion users worldwide, it offers a remarkable opportunity for marketers to reach out, connect and engage with their audiences, and garner their trust. The challenge is, the...
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4 Common PPC Mistakes to Avoid in 2021
There is so much to stay on top of when running a successful Google Ads campaign, which is why many marketers find themselves making mistakes at one point or the other. Also, strategies that worked some years ago may not be so great today given changes that occur over time. That is why it helps...
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Leveraging Influencer Marketing to Build a Buzz
When it comes to digital marketing, influencers have occupied a prominent place on all platforms. Though influencer marketing has the potential to add a notable muscle to your marketing initiatives, making the most out of the avenue can be confusing. That is the reason why it is important for brands to partner with a trusted...
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Getting Content Marketing to Work for Your Business
A lot of marketers tend to forget that B2B content marketing is much different than B2C content marketing. In B2B content marketing, you have a small focused target market and there is a long buying cycle. B2B content marketing, on the other hand, is not based on personal bonding but is value driven. The content...
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4 Web Design Trends that Will Drive 2021
Website design is constantly evolving to reflect the ever changing and growing standards, user expectations, and business landscape. The global coronavirus pandemic has underlined the importance of building a solid online presence. As 2021 gets underway, a number of trends are shaping up to dominate desktop and mobile website design services. ROI Mantra endeavours to...
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In the age of the internet, online presence has become an indispensable need for virtually every business. Thanks to a number of web development resources at our bay, setting up a decent facade on the internet is never really a problem. The real challenge lies in driving traffic to a website and increasing its reach....
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Pro Tips to Get More Web Traffic from Instagram
Social media platforms such as Instagram have millions of users that include companies, artists, and influencers. Simply showcasing your products or talent doesn’t cut it if you are looking to earn more traffic from your activities. It is important to craft a comprehensive strategy that takes into account opportunities you can leverage to grow your...
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Why Online Reputation Management is Essential for Every Business
The evolution of web 2.0 bridged the longstanding gap between businesses and consumers, finally giving the latter it’s long-due voice and be heard by the former. In the course of the transition, another change happened. Besides letting businesses discover what their customers thought about their products and services, online reviews also opened a floodgate of...
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Best Practices to Optimize Your Mobile Advertising Returns
The smartphone revolution has transformed the way businesses used to communicate their messages to potential and existing customers. While large brands are still devoting a fair share of their advertising and marketing budgets to traditional mass communication avenues, there is ample evidence to prove a radical shift in their focus towards more-personalized digital channels, such...
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