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Good Quality SEO Content
The definition of good quality SEO content is constantly changing in line with Google algorithm updates that aim to give users a unified, accessible, and high-quality search experience. This means that even content marketers that are at the top of their game today may lose their grip if they fail to keep up with the...
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Though it goes without saying that YouTube has emerged as a remarkably potent platform for brands to connect with their audiences, the task of attracting and “retaining” their attention is easier said than done. In fact, there have been countless instances, wherein even after a promising inception, business channels have failed to grow their viewership...
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5 Reasons Why SEO Must be a Part of Your Marketing Strategy
If you are running an online business or have a website for your offline business, you probably understand the importance of the traffic that is driven to your website. The success of your online efforts demands great search engine visibility, which can be attained through organic or paid efforts. Search engine algorithms are constantly evolving...
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Top 3 Reasons to Invest in Magento Development
Magento, a globally acclaimed open-source e-commerce platform, with a user base of more than 260,000 online merchants, making it one of the most popular platforms for retailers. That explains the ever-increasing number of businesses investing in magento development services. While the platform offers comprehensive capabilities to retailers, such as building their online stores, organizing logistics,...
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The internet revolution has changed the world of business forever, with smartphones fast replacing traditional information access mediums, such as laptops and desktops. That explains the rapidly increasing number of businesses turning to mobile SEO, to give their websites the desired exposure. Having said that, before you start looking for the top ranked mobile SEO...
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Web Development and SEO: Friends or Foes?
Getting a business website developed is one thing, getting it to rank high in organic searches is another. But, does it really have to be that way? Or, is there something fundamental that most businesses that avail web development services tend to overlook? This happens because, when it comes to taking a business to the...
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Top 4 Reasons for Businesses to Invest in PPC Services
As if making a mark in today’s increasingly competitive business world wasn’t challenging enough, the Coronavirus pandemic has made survival all the more steeper. While almost all businesses are facing the brunt of the slowdown, many have had to shut their shops, too. In such a scenario, it has become essential for businesses to ensure...
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How to Drive the “Right” Audience to Your YouTube Channel
According to Statista, as of 2021, YouTube, with about 2.3 billion active users worldwide, is the second-most popular social network, online second to Facebook. That explains the reason why an increasing number of organizations, brands, as well as aspiring influencers are turning to the platform to augment their reach, often even investing heavily in YouTube...
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How PPC Helps Your SEO Efforts
Search engine optimization is a digital marketing tactic crucial in diverting online traffic to your website. Pay-per-click, commonly abbreviated as PPC, is an online advertising strategy that allows you to place advertisements on popular websites such as social media sites and the results pages of search engines. PPC ads redirect users to your website when...
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3 Mental Models to Improve your Content Marketing Approach
When traditional marketing practices fail to produce significant results, a strategic and nuanced approach such as content marketing becomes the need of the hour. By means of content marketing, you get to produce insightful, actionable, and highly relevant information for a set of clearly defined audiences. Doing so helps you attract genuine customers with a...
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